Robert Martin Maillet

Friday, August 27, 2010

Robert's Ride 2010, Day 7, Friday, August 27, 2010, Rest Day, Hyde Park, NY

Today was our planned rest day--our second day in Hyde Park, hosted by my good friend Valerie Hail at her B&B.  We started the day with a designer breakfast, prepared by two graduates of the Culinary Institute of America, which is located less than a mile from Valerie's place.  I spent most of my day in Valerie's cottage on my laptop attempting to catch up on my business emails, which I had not checked since last Friday.  At the end of today I still wasn't caught up. 

Philip spent his day touring some of the local sites.  He rode his bike across the beautiful new Mid-Hudson Bridge and back.  Later he and I went to the FDR estate and toured the grounds. 

We ended the day with dinner at a restaurant overlooking the Hudson River, with Valerie and her beau Steve.  It's back to cycling tomorrow, but not until after one more designer breakfast at the B&B.

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