Robert Martin Maillet

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Robert’s Ride 2010, Day 2, Sunday, August 22, 2010, Aberdeen, MS to Franklin, TN

Our night’s rest in Aberdeen was about 50 miles off the Natchez Trace. The Best Western Motel where we slept could be “best” described leaving off “Best”. Our choices for nearby dining were Wendy’s and Sonic. We settled for Wendy’s, where we were warned to be watchful for clubbers crossing the highway on our drive back to the motel.... Question: Why do clubbers cross the highway? Answer: To get to the other side???
We left the motel at 7 AM and headed north.  Philip searched for left-over Saturday night blues on the radio. He found a good radio station. This song, “I'm glad that she gave me the blues, because I found you” stuck in our minds. When that station faded, we found Elvis singing “Daddy don’t cry” as we drove to Tupelo.

I started my ride back on the Trace at 8:40 AM. at mile marker 278, north of Tupelo.  It was another beautiful day on the trace – sunny and hot, but maybe 5 degrees less hot than yesterday. There was a definite head wind, and more climbing. The climbing was OK, since I kept reminding myself that we are headed for the Blue Ridge Parkway, in the Appalachian MOUNTAINS. I got off the bike after 25.6 miles, in 1 hour 48 minutes, at mile marker 303.

Today Philip and I were a bit more coordinated. Philip was ready to begin his ride when I got off my bike, so he was able to start riding a couple of hours earlier in the day than yesterday. The head wind was a factor for Philip today, too, but he had a good ride. He finished at mile marker 353 with 50.32 miles in 3 hours, 43 minutes. From there we drove to Leiper’s Fork, almost at the terminus of the Natchez Trace, and arrived at the Franklin home of our evening’s hosts, Jayne and Kevin Thibodeaux, at about 5:30 PM. We finished the day with dinner with Jayne & Kevin, their boys Jacques (5) and Jean Pierre (7 months), and my brother Carl, who lives in College Grove, at Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant. The food was pretty good!

We drove 246 miles today, and cycled 75.9 miles.

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